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One Planetary Revolution in a Garden Plot
A short film about the Spore garden
Mikhail Lylov

As the third season begins at the Spore Garden we look back at the work done and report on the efforts to regenerate the soil and plant community (...)

Tree Huggers of the Himalayas
Pamela Singh
Pamela Singh

I have always loved the Himalayas. I grew up in the foothills and later I traversed across many of its great landscapes and its lofty glacial peaks, lush meadows full of magical indigenous flowers and most importantly its awe inspiring trees. So when I heard about the loggers and contractors I scrambled up the mountain to see for myself as to what was happening to its endangered forests.

Calm Down
Collaborative production of a music video about collective practices of care for nature and its communities.
Spore Initiative

See also

El Zumbido de Baláam Kaab
animation film
Ariel Guzik, agroecological school U Yits Ka'an, animation studio Llamarada
Still from the animation film EL ZUMBIDO DE BALÁAM KAAB
Spore Initiative

Based on the content of the book box El zumbido de Báalam Kaab, the agroecological school U Yits Ka'an together with the animation studio “Llamarada” in Mexico City developed the animation film El Zumbido de Baláam Kaab. The motion graphics used mainly stem from children’s drawings that were created within the workshop series "Meliponicultura": Stories and Knowledge Exchange. The music score and sound design was developed by the sound studio Pacífico in conversation with the agroecological school U Yits Ka'an and artist Ariel Guzik.

How is everything intertwined — Bees, Humans, Nature?
A workshop with the artists and beekeepers Moabees in cooperation with the community school on the Campus Rütli
Bärbel Rothhaar, Katja Marie Voigt, Elisa Dierson
Spore Initiative
Soil Care Poems
A collection of poems inspired by "Soil Care I - Building Communities with the Living Soil“
Sabina Enéa Téari, Egor Sviridenko
Michael Lylow gives an insight into the structure of the soil in Spore's garden.
Photo: Spore Initiative
The Living Rope: The Maya Prophecy of Kuxaán Súum
Atilano A. Ceballos Loeza
Kuxaán Xúum, Cecilia Moo, artists' handmade illustrated book on the Kuxaán Xúum story (The rope of life), 2022.
Las voces desde adentro, 2022
Video Series featuring Stories, Intimate Knowledges, and Collective Experiences from Maya Practitioners in Yucatán
Adriana Otero Puerto
Still from Las Voces Desde Adentro, 2022
Adriana Otero Puerto
House of Similarities
Melipona bees
Ariel Guzik
Ariel Guzik, Illustrations from House of Similarities, 2022
The Counsel of Time
Xook K'iin
María Elisa Chavarrea Chim

Translated by Joel Scott and Andrea Garcés for Gegensatz Translation Collective.

Omar Said Charruf, Cosmos, 2022
La soga que tiene vida: la profecía maya de Kuxaán Súum
Atilano A. Ceballos Loeza
Kuxaán Xúum, Cecilia Moo, libro ilustrado hecho a mano por artistas sobre la historia de Kuxaán Xúum (La cuerda de la vida)
Marvin Systermans
Casa de semejanzas
Abejas Meliponas
Ariel Guzik
Ariel Guzik, Ilustraciones de la Casa de las Semejanzas, 2022
El consejero del tiempo
Xook K'iin
María Elisa Chavarrea Chim
Omar Said Charruf, Cosmos, 2022