How is everything intertwined — Bees, Humans, Nature?
The Moabees (Bärbel Rothhaar, Katja Marie Voigt, Elisa Dierson) explored the close connection between bees, humans and many other living beings in a collaboration with the children of the Gemeinschaftschule auf dem Campus Rütli.
The workshop explored today's relationship with bees - here in Europe and in Mexico - also with regard to the endangered Melipona bee native to the region. How do all living beings interact? What role does pollination play in our food and which bee species are threatened with extinction? What are the traditional or even alternative food-gathering practices?
The artistic process between the Moabees and the Jaguars of the Gemeinschaftsschule Campus Rütli was created in collaboration with the Spore Initiative and the Pädagogische Werkstatt.