Episode 1: K'úumche': Trees Against Hunger
Felícitas begins to discover Yuum Báalam Kaaj. The village in the middle of the forest seems to be full of adventure and unconventional inhabitants. When she meets a mysterious, wise grandmother, Felícitas begins to understand why fate has led her here.


Episode 2: Oop: The Forrest of Memories
Who lives in the forests and fields? Who cares for them? Through the memories of Casimira and Marcelo, Felicitas learns about the protectors of lands - and how to find them in the sounds that surround us.


Episode 3: Báalche’: The Whirling Flower
A strange scent leads the residents of Yuum Báalam Kaaj to an eerie discovery. In order to help, Felícitas must take decisions and do her best to bring the people around her together.


Episode 4: Pich: The House of Wasps
Can generosity fight hunger? Or can wasps? Felícitas follows Doña Eustaquia's wasps and learns an important lesson about life in nature – and those who own it. 


Episode 5: Óox: Three Gifts
In search of a place where they can settle down and start a new life, two peasants embark on a dangerous journey. Felícitas gets to know their story and learns how important it is to make allies and to listen to nature’s voices. 



Episode 6: Ya’: The Tree that Melts in Your Mouth
Who are the rubber men? Why are they afraid to wander into the mountains? Felícitas must gain the trust of two strange figures to find answers. 


Episodio 7: Chéechem yéetel Chakaj: Two Unequal brothers 
On the edge of Yuum Báalam Kaaj, Felícitas loses her strength and falls ill. Help and relief come from an unexpected source. 


Episode 8: Ya’axche’: A Spiky Grandmother
Felícitas is already preparing for her return to Mozón when Atilano, a former inhabitant of Yuum Báalam Kaaj, appears. Night after night, he materializes always with the same purpose - to tell travelers his story about Ya'axche' and to warn them...











Abuelas y abuelos árboles
Patricia Uh

You can listen to the episodes here below in the gallery of the page. 
The episodes can be downloaded for free and for personal and non-profit use only. They must not be altered, and all credits must be acknowledged always.


You can also find the episodes on Spotify: Abuelas y abuelos árboles and on our YouTube channel.

Educational material

Here in the gallery you will also find a pdf with additional educational material. It contains a few suggestions for activities that, together with the episodes of the radio play, can provide impulses for conversations, encounters and reflections on trees and our relationship to the world of plants. These are invitations that can be used, expanded and adapted according to need, context and questions.
You can download and print out the material free of charge.


The material has been developed by Julian Dzul Nah and Abrahán Collí Tun.

Episode 1
K’úumche’: Trees Against Hunger
Episode 2
Oop: The Forrest of Memories
Episode 3
Báalche’: The Whirling Flower
Episode 4
Pich: The House of Wasps
Episode 5
Óox: Three gifts
Episode 6
Ya’: The Tree that Melts in Your Mouth
Episode 7
Chéechem yéetel Chakaj: Two Unequal Brothers
Episode 8
Ya’axche’: Spiky Grandmothers
Abuelas y abuelos árboles
Patricia Uh



Abuelas y abuelos árboles is a colaborative project of Escuela de agricultura ecológica U Yits Ka'an, Spore Initiative, and U Yotoch Yuuyum.


Director: Salomé Ricalde   

Adapted scipt: Janil Uc Tun.   

Production: Alejandro J. Castilla Pinto, Pacífico Studios   

Music and sound design: Alejandro J. Castilla Pinto   

Coordination: Julián Dzul Nah and Abrahan Collí Tun  



Actors and Actresses:  

Mariana Yamá

Laura Zubieta  

Jorge Chablé  

Amanda Quezadas  

Eleazar Estrella  




Nicte-Ha Ku  

Nirva González Moo  

Itzel de la Cruz Gutiérrez  

Miguel Péepen

U Yotoch Yúuyum, interdisciplinary collective   


Maya language coach: Lorena Pool Balam   

Illustration: Patricia Uh  


The episodes are based on the orally shared stories by Ignacio León, Marcelo León Blanco and Atanacio Dzib from Dzemucut; Araceli Bacab from Maní; Severiana Pat and Tomás Poot from Tekom; Lucio Dzul from Montecristo; Javier Aguilar from Ticul, Mario Euan from Tabi, grandfathers and grandmothers of their communities, collected and recorded by U Yits Ka'an in collaboration with Radio XEPET, "La voz de los mayas".