

7:30 pm: Dité  time - A ceremony around bush medicine, creole garden and mindset by Simone Lagrand


8:00 pm:  Artist talk with Simone Lagrand and Carolina Riaño Gómez (in English)


9:00 pm: Canto Crudo – collective singing performance by Carolina Riaño Gómez

Dité  Time

- A ceremony around bush medicine, creole garden and mindset by Simone Lagrand

It is a moment more than a performance. A moment to ritualize one of the most ancestral routines in Martinique: the herbal tea which is the final destination of a very short journey starting from the moment a Martinican wakes up in the morning, followed by the time spent in the jaden kréyòl [traditional garden organization], whether it's a real one or just a small place on a balcony. In this sort of tea ceremony every single object is a tribute to the creole kanman [way of life] but also an incantation for the future.

- Simone Lagrand

Canto Crudo

– A collective singing performance by Carolina Riaño Gómez

Canto Crudo is a solo project by Colombian singer Carolina Riaño, exploring traditional Latin American field songs in an interactive performance. Through the repetition of specific melodies and rhythms, the artist creates a sound dialogue with the audience that generates a sense of shared strength, harmony, and well-being, allowing to experience the healing power of the voice and collective singing.



Text and images by Simone Lagrand and Carolina Riaño.