The exhibited photographs will serve as the starting point for the panel discussion, exploring themes of mental health and imagery as they relate to the context of Mosul, and beyond. Joined by therapist and activist Zilan Sarah Kössler, we will speak on mental health in a post-conflict context, specifically from the Kurdish and West Asian perspective, drawing from her own personal and professional experience. Artist, photographer and researcher Nadine Hattom will shed light on the process of photography in post-conflict settings. With her expertise, we wish to facilitate a conversation on landscape photography, embodiment and the relationships between conflict, nature, and the cultural processes that shape them.


Through visual media and collaborative discussion, we aim to bring Mosul’s process of rebuilding in resilience to Berlin as we invite our guests to re-envision the diverse and dynamic city with us.


Oudai Amer will play the Oud to close the evening.

Photograph of Al-Tahira-Kirche in Mosul.
Photo by Mahmood

Facilitated by Hudara, a Berlin based NGO working in the fields of Climate Change, Mental Health and Social Cohesion from a community-based perspective.


Panellist Nadine Hattom  (b. 1980, Baghdad, Iraq) grew up in Abu Dhabi, UAE, before migrating to Australia. Hattom studied Photomedia at the College of Fine Arts, Sydney, and is now based in Berlin.

Taking a reading of landscape as a cultural process as her starting point and working with photography and sculpture, Hattom’s work is an exploration of space and place, unravelling narratives of migration, region, representation, and landscape.

“We can’t deny that the landscapes we produce are embodied within the identities we assume.”


Panellist Zilan Sarah Kössler was born in Amed, and embarked on a journey that led her to Germany, where she earned her high school diploma. Based partly in Berlin, she is a dedicated participant in the ,Hevrîn Xelef Healing Herbal Garden‘ project, providing support to women in Jinwar, North-East Syria and Berlin, Germany. Zilan is also an active advocate for women with Flamingo e.V. As a therapist with a Kurdish background and extensive experience in the West Asian context, Zilan has an unwavering commitment to forging innovative pathways toward a vibrant and harmonious future.