But we are also witnessing an awakening, global, powerful, and beautiful as individuals and groups rise in every field to speak out against injustice and censorship. As part of Spore’s commitment to education through alternative picture books and to keep encouraging dialogue among teachers and educational institutions around censorship, grief, and solidarity, we invite you to join us in a workshop for teachers and educators:  

The workshop introduces teachers to A Million Kites* and the educational toolkit which will help them talk to their students about the mass atrocities they are witnessing and may be affected by and conduct activities that allow them to process this overwhelming information.  

The session will be followed by drinks and snacks in the garden to have the chance to interact with colleagues from other schools and organizations. 

A million kites
Leila Boukarim and Asaf Luzon

*A Million Kites is a collection of testimonies and poems from the children in Gaza collated and translated between October 2023 and March 2024 by Leila Boukarim and illustrated by Asaf Luzon. This little book is a carefully designed vessel delivering stories from Gazan children, heart-wrenching and soul-filling, in the most gentle way.   
The workshop will be run in English, but we can support each other with further language requirements.