In collaboration with:

Jakob Kukula (Spree.Berlin), Emmanuel Schlicht (Netzwerk Rechte der Natur) und Catharina Caspari.




In the context of the climate crisis and the accompanying social change, the project by Jakob Kukula examines the relationship between Berlin and the Spree, the urban space, the citizens and the body of water. How can the river be given its own "political" voice, and what can help to create more awareness for the Spree and the influence of humans? 


Confluence of European Water Bodies Confluence of European Water Bodies 

Water is vital for all life on Earth, yet her voice is rarely heard in political decision-making. Born out of growing water challenges and demands for water democracy worldwide, the Confluence of European Water Bodies sprang from a collective pursuit of a deeper understanding of ‘Rights of Nature’ in Europe, from a cultural perspective. Formed by over 25 grassroots communities of artists, activists, lawyers and ecologists, representing seas, lakes, rivers,  lagoons and glaciers from all over Europe, this growing community of care and concern aims to foster new dialogues and relationships with water. As a learning system for water diplomacy, new strategies for effective representation of water in Europe’s cultural, legal and political realm are being explored, rehearsed and advocated. 


Netzwerk Rechte der Natur

The Rights of Nature Network was founded in 2020 on the initiative of Christine Ax and Dr. Georg Winter. A civil society association of scientists, citizens and organizations. From 2020 to 2022, the network developed a constitutional initiative that aims to enshrine the dignity of nature and the rights of nature in the Basic Law. The network supports the movement for the rights of nature in Germany and is the “German Hub” of “GARN”. It constantly informs about the development of the rights of nature movement in Germany and promotes its activities and all initiatives that want to advance the goal of recognizing the “rights of nature”. As a platform, it organizes events where representatives of the Rights of Nature movement can meet and discuss, agree on and implement joint actions and events.



Catharina Caspari holds a M.A. in philosophy and is a trained and qualified German lawyer. She is currently working as a research assistant at the Institute for Energy, Environmental and Marine Law (IfEUS) at the University of Greifswald. In that position she also works in the scientific secretariat of the Working Group for Access and Benefit Sharing of the Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Questions on Biological Diversity of the German Research Foundation (DFG). In her research she focusses on the intersection of international human rights protection, international climate law and international environmental law.