Along the Rivers of Kurdistan
A Conversation Around the Effects of the Climate Crisis on Kurdish Communities Followed by Performance18.30-21.00
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for adults
in German
How can care and cultural practices, both in Kurdistan and in the diaspora, be strengthened along the rivers of Kurdistan?
A conversation moderated by Şermin Güven with contributions from Günay Darici (Yekmal e.V.), Ceni e.V., Maviş Güneşer, Wansa Ismael
The conversation is followed by a performance by the Kurdish folklore women dance group Koma Feraşin. Everyone is invited to join the dancing after the presentation.
Along the Rivers is a collaborative process between Şermin Güven and Spore Initiative, the starting point and part of the exhibition Wasserspiegel - Waterbodies. Together with participating farmers, scientists, educators and artists from Kurdistan and the Kurdish diaspora, we are developing a cultural tool as part of this process. The tool aims to report on the water crisis of the rivers of Kurdistan, while at the same time focusing on and sharing ecological care practices around water.