In conjunction with the COP16, we organize a space in Berlin for activists working on human rights, climate justice, racism and colonial continuities in the climate crisis to discuss some of the issues surrounding biodiversity conservation from a critical perspective.


We will learn about and discuss  issues of conservation and biodiversity credits, which are being presented as a new answer to the loss of biodiversity. But how would this system work, what are the criticisms and is it “new”? How could biodiversity credits affect rights, equity and land use particularly in the Global South and for Indigenous Peoples?  


In the first part of the event, we will listen to examples by people who are involved in these issues through their experience, work and research. Through case studies and concepts, they will provide some initial informative inputs to the debate. The inputs will be followed by fish bowls for in-depth discussions on the following topics:


  • Land rights and land-based solutions to climate and biodiversity crisis
  • The commodification of nature: Market and other perspectives
  • Are biodiversity and carbon credits twins?
  • Asking other questions: Ignored alternatives


Objectives of the event:
The aim is to approach, analyze and discuss these and similar issues here in Berlin together as a common movement. Within this network, everyone, according to their possibilities, privileges, networks and competences, takes certain approaches, proposes material, information and discussions within an interconnected network where diversity is recognized and valued, and respectful exchange is encouraged.


In collaboration with Survival International, the global movement for indigenous people rights.