Protagonists in the fight for climate justice in the territory through art, the collective emerged in 2018 with the mission of echoing the voice of indigenous women to the world in defense of rivers, forests and the rights of indigenous peoples, as well as cultural resistance and the fight for good living. The name Karuana pays homage to the protectors of rivers and forests, the enchanted ones from the bottom of the rivers and the bowels of the forest. The forest is our school of art, which inspires our musical compositions, sung in our indigenous language, nheengatu, and to the rhythm of carimbó, a musical genre of Afro-indigenous origins. Next to the singing praxis the Karuanas promote the occupation and creation of spaces for discussions and experiences, with lots of knowledge, exchanges, listening and respect, with plural issues on territory, indigenous rights, spirituality, contemporary indigenous art and gender. Before the concert, the group will give a workshop aimed primarily at choir singers from Berlin.


After the concert, there will be a Q&A session with Karuana, moderated by Uriara Maciel, a black Brazilian woman who works professionally as a theater director, actress, cultural producer and activist in the feminist, anti-racist, anti-xenophobic, anti-LGBTTQIAPN+ phobia and pro-human
rights movement. This event is organized by a Gente e.V. in cooperation with the Spore Initiative.

More information about a Gente e.V. can be found under the following link:

Las Karuanas
Las Karuanas
Las Karuanas
Las Karuanas