Spore Hosts: Tantura
A Film by Alon Schwarz17.00-22.00
Save the Date
for adults
in German/in English
Directed by Alon Schwarz
(2022, 94 min.)
Named after a Palestinian village conquered by Jewish forces during the Nakba in 1948, Tantura centers on interviews with former soldiers as well as Israeli graduate student Teddy Katz, whose master’s thesis argued that Tantura residents were massacred and buried in a mass grave. Using archival footage, as well as further conversations with survivors and scholars, the film explores the racism, ethnic cleansing, and repression of memory which are central to Israel's founding myth.
17:00 – Screening with English subtitles
19:00 – Screening with German subtitles
The second screening will be followed by a discussion panel and Q&A.
This film screening is part of the Spore hosts: Jüdische Stimme Film Nights series.