Welcome to Spore


A viscous river of fantasy (called P), a flow of energy (called E) that can't quite get going and a uselessly circling river of thought (which everyone just calls G) meet on the banks of the Spree. The three of them look at each other in amazement, shyly, but above all helplessly. "Why are we here?" they first ask themselves and then the Spree. The Spree starts talking wildly, as if it had just been waiting for someone to ask it something. But no answer can be discerned in her garrulous flow of words. The three rivers stand on the riverbed as if ordered and not collected.  


The sun is setting. Despondent, P, E and G turn to leave. Listlessly, they resign themselves to their fate of having to mingle again with people who barely notice them. "Bye-bye," says the fantasy river with little originality. "You always see each other several times," replies the stream of thought, lost in thought. "Let's go!" says the energy flow, sounding exhausted.  


A raft chugs past on the glittering silver waves of the Spree. "Hey you three," calls the captain. P, E and G stop abruptly. Confused, they turn around. "Go to Spore!" they hear the caller shout. "You're welcome there. They'll nurse you back to health there." A raft chugs past on the glittering silver waves of the Spree. "Hey you three," calls the captain. P, E and G stop abruptly. Confused, they turn around. "Go to Spore!" they hear the caller shout. "You're welcome there. They'll nurse you back to health there."  


Stunned, the three look at each other. "Was that...?" marvels E, not daring to finish the question out of sheer awe. "Yes, but I think it was..." P also gets the words stuck in his throat. "O M G! You don't mean ...?" even G can't get to the heart of the question. "That was I?" they finally shout together in chorus like enthusiastic groupies.  


They set off confidently and when they arrive at Spore, they meet the writing flow and you!



Would you like to write your own story (which could be a little longer than this one)? Do you want to learn how to create lively characters, conjure up funny, mysterious, tough or dreamy atmospheres, create exciting conflicts and come up with surprising twists and turns? Would you like to meet other people in a writing room, inspire each other and exchange ideas with them? Then I hope you can keep the following dates free or shovel them into your diary.

Manuela Ritz

My name is Manu (ManuEla Ritz). I am a Black, cis-hetera woman and mother socialized in the GDR. I have been working as a freelance team leader against discrimination for 20 years. My work focuses on adultism and critical adulthood, empowerment for and with people who have experienced racism, and supporting diversity processes in institutions that are critical of power and discrimination.   

I have also completed a degree in screenwriting and fiction and look forward to sharing the knowledge I have gained there with you.