This panel discussion takes us to southern Iraq, to the areas of damaged by oil production as well as to the areas of southern Lebanon affected by the war. "Ecologies of War" examines the "naturalization of war" – how war becomes not only normal, but also part of the natural environment. Lebanon's southern borderland is entangled in a prolonged state of war that cyclically erupts, disrupts, destroys, (re)builds. Oil production in Iraq produces an environment that destroys the natural environment of the local Indigenous population.


Both contexts have created a way of life in which people continue to survive. In this discussion, we want to look at the violent commonalities between war and extractivist policies. What forms of resistance do these ecologies produce? How are local policies connected to questions of a global (war) economy of capitalism?  

We want to discuss what possibilities there are for resistance and how these questions can be inscribed in the discourse of the global climate justice movement. 


With Munira Khayyat and Taif Alkhudary.


The event is fundet by the Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.