The Little School offers an opportunity for practical learning and exchange on topics such as environmental justice, health, and food sovereignty. A focus will be put on those practice-based, diverse forms of knowledges, that enable different relationships to the land, forests, water, biodiversity and the plants that feed and heal us, while often being marginalised or not recognized as "valuable knowledge" at all. Over the course of one week, participants will learn in various workshops about a variety of topics, as well as creative new methodologies for knowledge sharing.



The following workshops will be part of the Little School:



Decolonial Plant Knowledge
Part of colonization is the destruction of knowledge-systems, this includes plant medicine and the way we engage with the environment we are part of. In this Workshop we want to reclaim our connection with plants, by learning about their ecology, medicinal uses and how to prepare them.
Abeni Asante


Empowerment and power sharing in nature education
In this workshop, participants will learn about the principles of empowerment and powersharing and explore practical approaches to implementing them in nature education. Through interactive exercises, nature experiences and discussions, they will deepen their understanding and gain new tools for their pedagogical practice.  
Anthony Owosekun


Singing and community. Workshop exploring the voice as an instrument for collective expression:
How can we find the power of the individual voice within the collective and vice versa? Using simple melodies and rhythms, as well as self-written lyrics, we will learn alone and together to find our voice and give expression to feelings, experiences and stories that occupy us in our everyday lives. No previous musical or vocal knowledge is required. We will use our physical intuition to discover our vocal and auditory abilities - trusting what lies outside traditional academic criteria.
Carolina Riaño


Food and Body. Memories that inhabit us
This workshop intends to explore memories locked in our bodies and our senses through specific ingredients we use for cooking.


The decolonial tomato. Picture stories about seeds, migration and the healing self
A workshop on  storytelling through imagination, speculation and the exploration of possible (his)stories.
Sarnath Banerjee, with Mikhail Lylov


Plant allies for tending transformation
Based on the idea of the Social Body Apothecary we ask in this workshop, how the structural violences of the social body manifests in the personal body, and how caring for the personal body with the help of plant allies can feed back into transformative processes within the social body. We will work with plants from the garden gathering our collective vernacular knowledges, intentions and spells, pouring them onto paper and into a salve.
Siegmar Zacharias & Shelley Etkin, SocialBodyApothecary.




Image: From the exhibition Waral Prakalp, by Mamta Bongya und Srushti Bongya.


The Little School is aimed at people who are involved in various forms of knowledge exchange, who work in communities, in the education, health, environmental and cultural sectors and/or in the field of eco-social justice. This can be in schools, environmental education, health, educational institutions, cultural and arts education or community gardens, neighborhood projects, collectives or associations - wherever knowledge is shared as a practice of justice and to protect the web of life. 


The Little School will be held in German and English, with mutual support and whisper translations.


You can register for the Little School via a registration form here on the website. You can only register for the entire Little School program, participation in individual workshops is unfortunately not possible.

We will confirm your participation.



The workshop week is free of charge. However, we charge a registration fee of €50 to ensure planning security with the workshop providers. This is only due after confirmation.

The fee will be refunded to you after you have completed the entire workshop week. Alternatively, we will pass on the registration fee to the Colectivo Suumil Mookt'aan, which is building an intergenerational learning center for their community in Yucatán with the Solar Maya.

A waiver of the registration fee is possible, please contact us directly.



If you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of, please let us know beforehand via the registration form or call us: +49 30 200 047 220.