Jineolojî and Social Ecology
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Participation for women only
in German/in English/Kurdisch
Jineolojî and social ecology in practice
with Şermin Güven, social and cultural anthropologist with a focus on humans and the environment, Menekşe Kizildere, Climate Crisis and Energy Policy Expert, and the Kurdish Women Students Berlin (JXK). This workshop is part of the Kurdish Women Culture Days in Berlin, March 2025.
In this workshop we will explore the connections between jineolojî and social ecology and how these perspectives shape our political action. In a small group, we will map our experiences and actions and translate them into a practical socio-ecological guide.
Through interactive discussions, we will reflect on key questions: How do we recognize nature, ecology and society as interconnected? What role do we play in promoting ecological awareness and resistance? How can we develop an ecological attitude towards destructive and unhealthy policies, especially in times of crisis?
A creative part of the workshop invites participants to design a visionary “ecological women's village” - a place where women and nature are in harmony. Finally, we will watch a video about JINWAR and discuss how ecological principles can be integrated into everyday life.
This workshop is only for women. What we understand by the term „women“:
When we look at the crises and wars of this world, we see that women are exposed to specific and systematic attacks because of their womanhood. But we also see that women worldwide have great power to resist and develop social alternatives to the patriarchal militaristic system. Despite our very different backgrounds, geographies and realities, we share stories of oppression and resistance. We draw on our collective identity as women to fight together against war and oppression for a free and dignified life. Therefore, for us, the term „woman“ is not a classic biological and narrowly defined term, but rather our shared search for what it can mean to collectively free ourselves as women and other oppressed genders from patriarchy. All people who identify with this search are welcome at the workshop.