Our language, names and songs are shaped by elements of the natural landscape - like our rivers, lakes and mountains. Which rivers, which lakes and which mountains do we know?  


How were Lake Urmiye and Lake Van formed? Who and what lives in and around Lake Urmiye and Lake Van? Together with Ayhan Urmiye and the Piya kindergarten of Yekmal e.V., we want to discover the lakes, rivers and mountains of Kurdistan in Kurdish.  


Part of the project Li ser şopa çemên Kurdistanê - Along the rivers of Kurdistan

Satelite Image of Lake Urmiye using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin

Yekmal e.V.  The Association of Parents from Kurdistan in Germany - Yekmal for short - was founded in Berlin in 1993. Since its foundation, our association has attracted attention with its diverse projects in the field of multilingual parent and family work.