The fact that we humans all have different needs and characteristics, emphasize words differently, speak different languages and enjoy many, very different things is hardly debatable. But so is the fact that we also share experiences, desires and thoughts with many people.   


So, when we talk about social diversity, all of these aspects can be included, but there are many more that start at other levels. And these levels have something to do, for example, with social positioning – whether self-chosen or imposed - or with mechanisms of exclusion and participation.

5.01.  &  12.01.


Sensitizing participants to social positioning, inequalities and group affiliations.

19.01.  &  26.01.

Understanding and Reflecting

Understanding everyone's own position within society and reflect on which power or which form(s) of oppression are associated with it.

This workshop series focuses on learning to deal with social diversity in four sessions every Friday throughout January. Participation is limeted. We ask you to only register if you can participate in all four sessions.


Registration until 4.1.2024 via: