Our approach to the city is an evolving and potentially transformative journey. It involves creative, embodied, and transdisciplinary approaches to learning about current challenges and injustices, drawing new linkages, and to designing change. This summer school invites participants to reimagine conviviality and community-building in the city through a transdisciplinary lens.


The summer school is an activity of the Cost Action SHIFT which studies the contribution of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts to sustainability transformations and climate resilience. Organised by the Working Group 3, this summer school explores the potential of transdisciplinary, art-science approaches in addressing the complexities in urban spaces, drawing new linkages and designing connections that shape regenerative and thriving urban environments. Moving beyond disciplinary approaches to environmental challenges, this summer school integrates holistic, transdisciplinary approaches and creates spaces for imagining and co-creating just, livable, healthy futures that foster a sense of belonging and kinship.

Photo: Ana Isa Mourinho

Curated by Julia Bentz, Jelena Ristić Trajković and Kiat Ng:  


Julia Bentz is a regeneration and transformation researcher at the University of Lisbon and a lecturer at Freie Universitä̈t Berlin (www.artforadaptation.com)


Jelena Ristić Trajković is an Associate Professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture.  


Kiat Ng is a researcher at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes at the University of Lisbon.  



Facilitated by Carlie D. Trott, Niki Harré, Raoul Bunschoten, Myriel Milićević, Susanne Bosch and Jan Foerster:


Carlie D. Trott is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cincinnati where she heads the Collaborative Sustainability Lab and advises students in the Community and Organizational Research for Action (CORA) PhD program. (https://www.cdtrott.com/)


Niki Harré is a professor at the University of Auckland specialising in community psychology and the psychology of sustainability.  


Raoul Bunschoten is Professor Emeritus and senior research fellow at the TU Berlin.  


Myriel Milićević is an artist, interaction designer and professor in the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.  


Susanne Bosch is an artist, facilitator and independent artistic researcher.


Jan Foerster is an architect focusing is on revitalization and the development of long-term sustainable multiple and mixed-use projects.



Photo: Ana Isa Mourinho


This summer school is funded by Cost Action shift. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Cost Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers.