Ariel Guzik's work is based on the desire to create, through different forms of communication – from reading and sending signals to the invention of instruments and languages, moments of encounter between the living beings that inhabit the earth. Thereby it is not about the translation and interpretation of behaviors and languages, or ways of domestication, but about a "re-enchantment" of a human-centered world. It is about imagination, about wonder and amazement, and about this brief moment when the gazes of two living beings cross and perhaps a connection, an understanding begins.


In the frame of the collaboration with Spore and in dialogue with Meliponiculturists, Ariel Guzik created the Casa de Semejanzas (House of Similarities) – a proposed home for the stingless Melipona bee.


As a second part of the evening, in an exhibition tour with the artist and anthropologists Abrahán Collí Tún and Julián Dzul Nah, we will learn more about a very special bee, and a culture of inter-species care that has been maintained in some Maya communities in Yucatán since pre-colonial times.


Casa de Semejanzas is part of the exhibition U JUUM BÁALAM KAAB the humming of the guardian bee, and can be visited through September 17, 2023. This talk marks the end of this chapter of its journey, as it returns to Maní, Yucatán, where it will join other jobones kept by meliponiculturist Doña Nebi.


Ariel Guzik
Ariel Guzik
Ariel Guzik
Ariel Guzik
Ariel Guzik