Short films include:


Mujeres en lucha en el Sahara Occidental

by Laura Dauden and Miguel Angel Herrera, 2023, 26’


Frutos de Resistencia

by Aline Juarez, 2023, 25’


Ain't no time for Women

by Sarra EL Abed, 2020, 19’


Permission to Narrate

by Students of Birzeit University, 2013, 12’



Kali Feminists is an organized group of FLINTA* people in Berlin who are committed to internationalist and feminist fights and concerns. The letters in our name stand (for the German words) K for collective, A for anti-capitalist, L for passionate and I for internationalist. We live our activism through feminist networking (for example in the “Netztwerk gegen Feminizide”), organizing demos (such as IQPride), through joint actions such as postering, social media work (Insta: @kalifeminists) and the joint organization of events. 


The films will be shown in their original language with English subtitles, the discussion will be held in English.

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