We are honored by the presence of Gerda Gruber and Rafiki Sánchez the first of the many guests who will be joining us in Berlin. Gerda Gruber is an artist living and working in Merida since 1975, actively engaged in pedagogy since then, particularly around sculptural practice, with a deep knowledge of natural and native materials and herbal medicine. She is also the co-founder of the Gruber Jez Foundation, born with the aim of providing research and experimentation residencies for visual artists, and of the Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán (ESAY), where she has since directed the sculpture workshop. Of a younger generation of artists working in Merida, Rafiki Sánchez´s practice, also deeply connected to the territory of Yucatán, is linked to the question of residues and wastes, examining the wastelands and dump yards and using a variety of materials for his works such as found objects, natural fibres, earth, ashes often literally woven into textiles that become sculptural objects to be worn.


In a walk-through Spore’s premises and the exhibitions, we will introduce you to our first programs. Facilitating programs on regenerative ecological practices through experiences of intergenerational learning is at the core of Spore Initiative’s work.

We hope you will be able to join us.