The number of participants is limited. Please register by May 25th, 2023. Our program is primarily aimed at people who are active in solidarity initiatives, practicing translocal activism, and places and people who pass on their acquired knowledge in educational, cultural and care work.


We can consider all other interested people if there are enough spaces left.


We will not be able to inform all interested parties whether we can offer them a place until the registration deadline has passed.


Participation as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner are free of charge.


Futuros Indigenas from Mexico advocate for a "reforestation of the mind" and an "indigenization of the heart" (via video conference).
Mujeres de la Tierra from Santa Ana Tlacotenco, Milpa Alta (Mexico) work on the vital links between ancestral food habits, personal and public health care, and communal land preservation (via videoconference).
With Zilan Sarah Kössler and Sehrezat Gergersoy we visit the Transcultural Herbal Garden Hevrin Xelef. They give insight into the solidarity work with the Kurdish women's village Jinwar and into concrete healing practices.
The Medical Self Defence Network supports free access to healing, medicine and medicinal herbal knowledge as the basis of communal self-defense. The network also organizes first aid in crisis and war zones.
Diana De Fex invites us to think and feel gardens in an expanded way: as concrete utopias, as places of mysticism and memory, and of physical protection and survival, but also as places that have been used to conceal conflict and oppression. The workshop combines sensory exercises and critical discussions.
Chepita is a natural health practitioner from Abya Yala and part of Casa Kuà (Trans* Inter* Queer Community & Health Centre). She sees our diet as something that can make us healthy and advocates for the recovery of knowledge that has been preserved and passed down through generations despite efforts to eliminate it.


Mojisola Adebayo and Nicole Wolf work through permaculture and theatre of the oppressed, both drawn from the embodied knowledge of indigenous and Black peoples, to address environmental racism.


The Ararat Collective from Berlin, founded by Armenians in the diaspora, will prepare food for us over the weekend and give a workshop on orally transmitted forms of cooking.